What are they afraid of?

I mentioned in the previous post that the global warming zealots want anyone with questions to “shut the hell up”.  Now, comes news from the Copenhagen climate conference that journalists who persist in asking inconvenient questions will be silenced with the help of armed U.N. thugs.

I guess there are worse fates than being forcibly silenced.  Here’s the reaction a commenter got when he questioned the faith (it is a religion you know) of an AGW true believer:

I have zero respect for you people and I hope you all contract cancer and die painful and slow deaths.

Well Jacob, that’s about the only way you’ll get me to shut up.

What is it you don’t want us to find out?

6 thoughts on “What are they afraid of?

  1. It’s all good John…all we have to do is drink beer.

    On the way we can burn tires and dump dirty engine oil into random lakes and rivers.

  2. Ha! I just took a look at that link to see if there was any response to Goat’s spanking he gave Jacob, and surprisingly (or not) Goat’s comment was deleted.

  3. That is the way of liberals. Just deny the truth. They really do believe if you tell a lie enough people will believe it……NOT

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