Welcome to the unemployment line

Well, it was certainly heartening to see so many scumbag losers Democratic incumbents tossed out on their sorry asses held accountable by the uneducated angry masses American voters.

My favorite amongst these recently unemployed individuals is NC Representative Bob Etheridge.  You remember him, don’t you?

Anytime an arrogant ignorant asshole like this is removed from a position of power and authority it’s a good thing.  What makes this particular case all the sweeter is that it represents a big victory for new media over the corrupt gatekeepers of the liberal press.

This was also a victory for New Media. As we’ve seen time and again, the same corrupted MSM that endlessly looped the assault on that MoveOn crazy woman at the Rand Paul (I mean, Senator-Elect Rand Paul) event would’ve most certainly ignored the video of Etheridge’s assault like they do most stories that might create a narrative damaging to the left.

But YouTube and these here Inter-Web-Dot-Nets make it possible for truth-tellers to go around the self-appointed MSM Gatekeepers and get the word out. And when something goes viral, as this did, it can have the same effect it would have if the MSM weren’t corrupt and did their jobs honorably. 

I don’t want to say that New Media took a scalp with Etheridge, because it’s not about that. It’s about breaking the MSM monopoly and letting the American people decide what information is important and relevant and what isn’t.

The masses are not asses, the MSM knows this, which is why they so desperately want to control the flow of information. The rise of righteous New Media may not be fast enough for some but just take a moment to remember what the media landscape was like just ten years ago — and it’s only going to get better.

Oh yeah, the best is yet to come.  The jig is up folks.  There is nowhere to run and nowhere to hide.

8 thoughts on “Welcome to the unemployment line

  1. What a great day !!!!!! to see this piece of Crap flushed!!!!!! Maybe he can still hoe weeds!!!!! good luck

  2. Is Fox News considered new media? Just curious. They seem pretty main stream to me and about equally as unfair and unbalanced as the clowns as MSNBC.

  3. Then Kevin you ain’t watching. Fox ALWAYS has folks representing all viewpoints on its shows. When was the last time you saw a conservative on MSNBC? And no, “the worst person in the world” segment doesn’t count.

  4. You don’t think Fox covered Bush differently than Obama? You don’t find it odd that Republicans love the Fox and Dems hate it. Just like Dems love MSNBC and Repubs loath it? You don’t find it odd that some Republican candidates only speak through Fox because they call it a “friendly filter”? You think Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity are more fair and balanced than Chris Matthews and Rachel Maddow?

    And you call me a Kool-Aid drinker?

    Next you are going to tell me Andrew Breitbart and James O’Keefe are more fair and balanced than Michael Moore. Or that the Drudge Report is more down the middle than Huffington Post.

    I think it his hilarious Republicans think that there is only a liberal bias and liberal agenda out there, ignoring the fact that the top rated cable news channel and most all of talk radio is dominated with Republican talking points.

  5. Fox is the top rated news channel because it is perceived as being more the most fair and balanced. Here’s the thing–this country is pretty evenly divided between Dems, Repubs, and independent.

    Y’all lost this election because you lost the independents. Why are they choosing Fox?

  6. Fox was the number one rated news channel in 2006 and 2008, two year’s when those same independents were pulling the Democrats lever.

    Real Housewives of Atlanta and Jersey Shore both draw great ratings- it doesn’t make them credible programs.

    Titanic won a shit ton of Oscars-that doesn’t make it a great movie.

    Fox News=Republican/Tea Party


  7. “Fox News=Republican/Tea Party


    Ok, well then I guess Americans have voted with their remote controls as to which views are mainstream and which are radical.

    God bless America~

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