Tweet for tat

Call me a dinosaur if you will, but I don’t use Twitter.  But I sometimes encounter “tweets” as I plumb the depths of the internets in my daily quest for photographs of scantily clad women a broader understanding of the issues of the day.  One of the minor controversies taking shape of late revolves around this column by Richard Cohen in The Washington Post.   Now, I don’t read much of what Cohen writes and I care even less about what he thinks.  I find him to be an intellectually dishonest sycophant whose opinions are little more than a regurgitation of left wing talking points.  But I guess even mindless liberals can stray too far off the reservation at times.  In the column linked above Cohen talks about how the extremist Tea Party types are little more than misogynist, homophobic, racist hatemongers.  Eh, what else is new was my reaction.

What makes this kerfuffle somewhat interesting is the reaction of Cohen’s fellow travelers.  In penning his vitriol some folks on the left believe Cohen inadvertently outted himself as, well, a misogynist, homophobic, racist hatemonger.  And the tweets started flying.  I find it all mildly amusing.

Long time readers will know that I generally support what the Tea Party represents.  Essentially, that means less taxes (we are after all Taxed Enough Already) and a smaller, less intrusive federal government.   Those issues have nothing to do with interracial marriage, gay rights, abortion rights, or any other form of bigotry.  The fact that some on the left (and right for that matter) want to demonize the Tea Party and its adherents tells me that the powers that be are truly terrified of this increasingly popular grassroots movement.

Anyway, one of my favorite bloggers who doesn’t weigh in much on political topics lists his tweets in the sidebar.  And that is where I found this gem: “I’m not a Tea Partier myself, but I find the blind slagging of the Tea Party to be evidence of great ignorance.”  He also included a link to this piece on the Cohen controversy which pretty much captures where I stand.

Now, you may be thinking “if that’s the case, why didn’t you just link to that article and be done with it?”  To which I can only respond “because”.  Which also explains why I don’t tweet.  Why limit yourself to 140 characters when you can say the same thing in 400 words?

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