The end of the line

My brother pointed out that since I was born in the USA, yesterday was technically my birthday as well.  Nothing to do but celebrate again, right?   Had a large group of friends and co-workers out at Shenanigans.  It seems everyone insisted on buying me a birthday shot.  I normally stick to beer for a reason, and last night proved to be a reminder of why.

I stumbled out of the bar and meandered my way to the subway.  Successfully managed the transfer to Line #4 and promptly passed out.  I was awakened by the announcement that the subway had reached it’s final destination–Dangoggae.  That’s about 5 stops past Gireum.  I had to pay again to catch the ride back to where I was supposed to be.  While waiting for my train I sneezed which caused a shart.  It was not pretty!

Oh well.  I probably had fun, I just don’t remember.

On the ride to work Monday morning I scored a seat in the old folks section. No guilt, age has its privileges.

On the ride to work Friday morning I scored a seat in the old folks section. No guilt, age has its privileges.

4 thoughts on “The end of the line

  1. Religious historian Mircea Eliade called the holy an eruption of the sacred into the realm of the profane—with definite emphasis on eruption.

    So, yes, I think we can safely classify this as a miracle in the biblical sense: it was a life-affecting event during which something appeared that hadn’t been there before. Hallelujah!

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