Obama calls for civility in political discourse

Especially from all you Tea Baggers!

Three days after he decried the lack of civility in American politics, President Obama is quoted in a new book about his presidency referring to the Tea Party movement using a derogatory term with sexual connotations. 

OK then, I see where you are coming from Mr. President.

And while we are on the topic of hypocrisy, there’s this.

7 thoughts on “Obama calls for civility in political discourse

  1. As I heard on the news, the open borders protest in Boston was to bring attention to the need of limiting the number of Irish allowed to live there. There are about 500 non-Irish in Boston, but 200 of them were wearing T-shirts and/or buttons that day that exclaimed “Kiss me, I’m Irish”, so they weren’t allowed to attend.

    Protesting on a Wednesday? Who was working? Immigrants?

  2. Too funny Von! After seeing the reaction to Alastair’s dad and his kilt at the wedding, I’m thinking I’m going to embrace my Scottish heritage anyway…

  3. WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report) – One week after their first national convention, the self-styled Teabaggers are facing an identity crisis after one of their members finally Googled the slang term “teabag.”

    “I was wondering why every time I told people I was a Teabagger they kind of started giggling in an embarrassed way,” said Tracy Klugian, a Teabagger from Elyria, Ohio. “I was like, what the heck? Maybe I should use the Google and see what this is all about.”

    After Mr. Klugian Googled the word “teabag,” he was shocked by what he discovered and shared his information with the Teabaggers’ leadership, who are now actively looking for a new name for the group.

    Obama used the term “teabagger” the term “teabaggers” were and stil are using to identify themselves. I don’t think most Americans were familiar with the term “teabagging,” yeah that is the slang term with a sexual connotation not teabagger, until the beginning of this year after the official slang dictionary decided to include a definition for teabagger that refers to a member of the Tea Party movement. It was listed right above teabagging the sexual meaning.

    How can Obama be a hypocrit for calling them by the term they call themselves?

  4. Bullshit Fortuneate. It is known as the Tea Party movement and members are tea partiers. NO ONE leading this movement self describes as a teabagger. Your article, if you didn’t know it, is a parody.

    Would it be ok if I call everyone who voted for Obama a cocksucker? Or everyone who wants gay marriage a buttfucker? It is no different.

    Grow up!

  5. John, actually The National Review begs to differ you on who said “tea bagger” first.

    This article is not a parody and comes from a conservative source.


    Granted most people that use the term are not doing it as a sign of respect, but I think it is still a little thin skinned for a group of people, some of which are actually wearing tea bags all over their hats and shirts, to be offended when they are called tea baggers. Especially when, as the story link above states, they started the expression because they, like A LOT of people, didn’t know about the sexual term tea bagging.

    Let’s face it, tea bagging isn’t a real common sexual term. I bet a lot of people calling the Tea Party members “tea baggers” couldn’t even explain what “tea bagging” is in sexual terms.

  6. Sorry for using a satirical fake news article. I was not aware when I googled to find the origins of the term teabagger that Borowitz Report was satire just as I was not aware that “teabagging” was slang for a sex act. So let me quote you from another article from NRO (National Review Online a conservative site) entitled Rise of an Epithet: The first big day for this movement was Tax Day, April 15. And organizers had a gimmick. They asked people to send a tea bag to the Oval Office. One of the exhortations was “Tea Bag the Fools in D.C.” A protester was spotted with a sign saying, “Tea Bag the Liberal Dems Before They Tea Bag You.” So, conservatives started it: started with this terminology.

    John these folks were splashed all over TV wearing tea bags dangling from various articles of clothing–mostly hats. They made tea bags their symbol, hence tea baggers. Sorry but tea partier evokes visions of women dressed to the 9s sipping from dainty cups, nibbling on cucumber sandwiches.

    Your sense of proportion is grossly distorted. A tea bag is an actual thing and it is used as an identifying symbol by the Tea Party movement. Using teabagger to identify a movement member is reasonable and not everyone who has used the term meant it snidely or even knew there was another slang definition. Cocksucker has no other meaning but what it means. Cocksucker is not a regular word that some have subverted to a different slang meaning. Cocksucker isn’t slang it is profanity. God help you if you do not know the difference.

  7. Actually, there is this:
    cocksucker (cocks’ker)n. reticulate flange at the base of any valve regulating bilge flow in a sailing vessel of the schooner class produced ca. 1789-1814._ Yarman’s Nautical Dictionary, 3rd Ed.

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