Meanwhile in sports news…

I have been, ahem, keeping my eye on the controversy involving sports reporter Ines Sainz and the boys from the NY Jets.  It seems the modestly dressed Ms. Sainz was subjected to demeaning behavior while pursuing her journalistic responsibilities on the gridiron sidelines:


I know the first word that comes to my mind when I see this photo is “professional”. 

So anyway, the aforementioned incident has now sparked a fascinating debate concerning gender and sports.  Specifically, folks are asking the perhaps unanswerable question:  just who is the hottest foreign sports reporter (female division)?  You can peruse the nominees here.

As for me, I think the whole discussion is sexist and disrespectful to women in general and to the sports reporting profession in particular.  I want to go on record as having said that.  I would also like to nominate a Korean reporter for consideration as world’s hottest:


I’m bad, I know.

4 thoughts on “Meanwhile in sports news…

  1. I have to applaud textile manufacturers on designing a pair of pants that can withstand what appears to be critical pressure on the seams. The only other time I have seen a pair of jeans under that kind of stress is last summer when I tried to slip into that Jordache number I used to stride around with in middle school.

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