Goodbye again

Another relationship journey is now complete. This one makes me sad because she was also a woman I loved. She chose a different path long ago but we had remained friends and I appreciated that. But keeping that door open also made me vulnerable, and in the end her actions caused me pain. That’s a power I choose not to cede to anyone.

I wish her the very best in life. I admit I’ll never understand the choices she made or why she lacked the courage to fix her mistake before it was too late. Everyone walks the path they choose and some people choose poorly I suppose.

Life goes on and so will I. So help me God.

4 thoughts on “Goodbye again

  1. Today’s hashtags are:


    It’s like subtweeting, but not on Twitter.

    OK, enough joking and poking and prodding. You obviously need your privacy. My condolences for the now-dead relationship.

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