Club Med Baghdad

My buddy Rob left a great comment to an earlier post, but I think it deserves stand alone attention:

Holy cow! Gabby Johnson is right, that’s an awful lot of Won for some Pyong…or is Pyong something totally different from what I’m thinking? Just kidding. You guys are suckers though. The Army sent me to Baghdad and they picked up the cost for the flight! They gave me some new gear for free! I was given half of a small trailer to live in that can’t be any less than 2 talk about a palace! Then these fools pay me extra money for being over here. The only thing they asked for in return was that I work 13 hour days, take one day off a month, and take my chances with incoming rockets, mortars, and gunfire…and any possible IEDs I may encounter on any patrols I go out on! Now that is a sweet deal. I can’t believe more people don’t leave their families behind for a crack at this fun. Well I’m off to buy a fan in preparation for the inevitible summer heat. They say it is just like the Bahamas here during the summer. Then I’ve got to get some of their awesome cuisine that is almost as good as chicken on a stick from Itaewon…delicious! Take care John…Rob!

Damn, and I thought things were tough in the sandbox. You know, Rob was one of the first friends I made in Korea and it really makes me happy to know he is keeping his sense of humor in difficult circumstances. I’ve almost forgiven him for buying me my first soju kettle. Almost. Anway, Rob is good soldier doing an important job and I am thankful for his service to our nation. Hang in there, man.

Pictures from our Independence Day party in 2005:


Rob cutting the cheese.


Me and my “little brother”.


Rob is also known as “Lucky”…

Anyway, you are missed and we’ll all be glad to see you home again safe and sound.

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