Assorted miscellaneous

Just another day. Some rain of course, but only about another month or so to go for rainy season. I guess it’s fair to say I’ve become a creature–a creature of habit that is. In bed by ten, and up at six. Coffee and internet. Feed and walk the dogs. Eat. Take a morning hike. Have a one hour nap. And then sit down here and write on the blog. Whether I have anything to say or not.

Who says there’s no excitement in my life? That’s me grilling up some steaks.
Lucky got pretty damned excited too!

I don’t do steaks as often as I used to, but this batch turned out pretty damn good. I sprinkled on some meat tenderizer then let them marinate in an herb and garlic concoction for a couple of days. Still not as tender as American beef, but what are you gonna do?

Yeah, that’s medium, which is okay, although I prefer just slightly more medium-rare. When I’m manning the grill, there’s no telling what you’re gonna get. I’ve been known to serve them blackened.
Last night found me imbibing beers at Cheap Charlies. Nothing unusual about that. The new 4-star hotel, Central Park Reef, is open for business and seems to be doing well. The rooftop infinity pool and bar is not operational, so I’m going to hold off for that before I visit. The tallest building in Barretto at 6 floors.

I also dropped into the Man Cave bar before calling it a night. I recognized a dancer there named MJ, whom I’d met once before through a friend at Alley Cats. Called her down for some lady drinks and conversation. She’s got a smokin’ hot body and an okay face. I was surprised to learn she is 40 years old. And she also has five kids. Oh well.

I had a taco for breakfast this morning. It’s big, but skimpy on the meat. I didn’t eat the shell either, not worth the added carbs…
On Baloy beach for the morning walk, I saw this tour company sign with Hanguel lettering, and the Taeguki fluttering proudly in the breeze. Made me almost homesick.

Here’s some stuff I found on the ‘net today:

Ain’t I special?

This cracked me up:

“Elizabeth Warren admits to wearing paleface at college costume party” . What a fraud she is!

This is funny in a scary way too:

Can’t imagine one of these monsters actually getting elected.

Okay folks, that’s all I’ve got for you this afternoon. Thanks for stopping by!

3 thoughts on “Assorted miscellaneous

  1. Kevin. That was a great thought. I would like to see the porno that put that priceless look on Luckys face.

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