An ugly night

In dart league last night we played Dillinger’s Dill Pickles, the top rated team in Itaewon.  The results were as one might expect, but to get beat and throw badly was not a pleasant experience for yours truly..

After the match two people I like very much got into a verbal altercation.  It appeared to me to be a simple misunderstanding, but one of the two was drunk and he tends to be a mean drunk.  I tried to calm him dawn to no effect and keeping with my “no drama” policy I got up and went to pay my tab.  When I returned things had escalated to the physical and tables were being knocked over and beer glasses were flying.  Soon enough some folks stepped in and managed to separate the combatants, but it was a very ugly scene.  I left at that point not wanting to deal with the aftermath.

Fights are relatively rare in dart league, but I found the whole experience disconcerting, disappointing, and depressing.  A sorry shame it was.


3 thoughts on “An ugly night

  1. Wow, in my 4 years in Korea and 4 or 5 season in the darts league i dont think i ever heard a fight associated with the dart league never mind witnessing one.
    In fact one of the main reasons that i stopped playing in the pool league and switched to darts was due to the increasing number of heated arguements that occured during pool matches but simply didnt happen with the darts league.

  2. Kevin, ha! I’d forgotten about your incident. Actually, I wasn’t in a position to get between them. When they started, I was about 15 feet away and a few seconds later they were on the other side of the bar leaving overturned tables and broken beer mugs between me and them. Some folks in the vicinity of where they wound up stepped in and did the right thing.

    Thirsty, yeah darts players are generally speaking non-violent. In fact, this dispute wasn’t even about the dart match we had just finished, even though the guys were on opposite teams. Apparently, they had played for money earlier in the week and the bad feelings flowed from that. Which is why I rarely ever play for money.

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