Ain’t that the way it goes?

Just in one of those lulls where there isn’t much of anything worth saying.  Heh, I’m sure that will pass soon enough.

Takin’ the nephew to see Nanta tomorrow night, so there’s that. It’s a great show, here’s a taste.

I asked for and was granted my release from the Rubbies.  So, I’m without a dart team for the first time in a long time.  No controversy or drama, just not enjoying playing when I can’t throw well enough to help the team.  A Division has gotten very cutthroat this year and that has sucked the joy right out of the game for me.

Still not smokin’ and still exercising on a regular basis.  The weight is slowly coming off.  Very slowly.

Got pissed off at work this week for the first time in LONG time.  Some smart ass O-4 yanking my chain.  Well, I should be above takin’ the bait from a field grade, but I had a chat with his boss to make sure we were trackin’, then I gave the Major a call to express my displeasure directly.  He didn’t really back down, I’ll give him that.  I came right up to the edge of acting unprofessionally, then regained control and ended the call on a relatively positive note.  This is Korea, we’ll call it an armistice.

Tom and Yuli were by over the weekend and he walked me through reformatting the iPod.  So, I’m back up to where I was, 17,000+ files.

Finished up season 3 of Dexter and I’m still enjoying the hell out of it.  Highly recommended.

And welcome to Jeff, a new reader here at LTG.  Glad you’re here, but as the regulars could tell you–Prepare to be disappointed!
And I think I will stop here, having proven my point about having nothing of note to say.

4 thoughts on “Ain’t that the way it goes?

  1. Hey give yourself some credit. You are losing weight at a time when you recently quit smoking-you know a time when most folks gain.

  2. I agree with Fortuneate,

    I put on a few when I quit and am still above my smoking level weight. Getting there though….

  3. I quit March 1st. I have gained 4 lbs. No surprise there as I have substituted near nonstop cookie grazing for smoking. Can’t chew gum because of my braces. Can’t it off because of a litle foot problem. Luckily those braces caused me to lose weight so a few pounds gained is not a bad thing and I am hoping in a week or two I can start running again to burn up those extra calories. Notice I said nothing about giving up my cookies.

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