A pause for two pricks

Via Althouse comes this interesting post concerning the original grammar Nazi, Ben:Jonson.  I mean, he even had the cojones to criticize Shakespeare!  I guess it would be fair to say he wrote the definitive book on grammar.  Or at least the original.

Now, as regular readers well know when it comes to grammar I lean to Kelsey.  And given my libertarian tendencies I hold fast to my right to punctuate as I damn well please (provided of course than no one else gets hurt in the process).  Given my laissez faire attitude towards the conventions of proper written English one may wonder why I’ve chosen to blog on the topic.  The fact of the matter is that I couldn’t resist the temptation to use “A pause for two pricks” as the title for a post.

A grammar prick if there ever was one.

A grammar prick if there ever was one.

UPDATE:  It occurs to me that if you don’t click through to the Althouse link you’ll miss my joking reference which is: Jonson called the colon “a pause or two pricks”.  Now two pricks in a colon sounds mighty painful, but it does give one pause for thought.  Ok, I’ll stop now.

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