A new Great Seal of the United States of America

Well, given the promise for Hopeless Change, I guess changing the Great Seal to match the times makes sense.



A Condom allows for:
Halts production
Destroys the next generation
Protects a bunch of dicks
And gives you a sense of security while youโ€™re actually being screwed.

6 thoughts on “A new Great Seal of the United States of America

  1. Kevin: The question is not why John hates America. But, why do you hate America? John, per his blog, has worked for the federal goverment his entire adult life. His retirement, medical and lively-hood all depend on America. You are the one who want’s to change it. We simply want to keep it as it has been for over 200 years. The greatest country in history. You want to strip everything we have worked for and give it to someone else. Why? Are you that lazy you can’t support yourself without the goverment telling you how to live? “The official White House Christmas tree, which features controversial ornaments including an orb depicting the late Chinese dictator Mao Zedong, another that shows drag queen Hedda Lettuce, and yet another that shows a picture of Mount Rushmore — with Obama’s head pasted to the side of Washington, Lincoln, Jefferson and Roosevelt’s”. Congress telling us that bribes are business as usual. Explain to me how under this health care bill, where we (individuals & businesses) are going to required to purchase insurance or be fined, do illegal aliens fall in. They are allowed to have but not punished if they don’t. Oh it’s just a joke. No it’s not a joke. 2010 will show how this is not funny at all. Democrats/liberals have no class at all. You are going to take a beating at the polls unlike anything I’ve ever seen. Then it will be decades before you see any power at all. I’m ashamed of the generation we have raised. And all you had to do was show some class and debate the issues. No, that’s not good enough Liberals had to show the world how they are the best. Yeah the best at lying, cheating, hiding, bribing and controling. Oh I forgot…it’s all “W’s” fault.

  2. You know Frank, the Taliban and Al queda etc., do not hate Afghanistan or Iraq or Iran etc. They just want things to stay the same as they were 2000 years ago. Change is inevitable. Globalization requires us to rethink issues such as health care which is a terrible drain on private industry and prevents American companies from being competitive.

    I am going to assume you are middle class. Without social democracy there would be no middle class in America. Without change our middle class will not survive globilization. Doing nothing is what will strip this country of its greatness. The party of do nothing may very well take the election in 2012 but unless they embrace change and find solutions then they will not hold office for long.

    John works for the government because it pays well not because of an outsized sense of patriotism. He is an ex-patriot and that word says it all.

  3. Um, Fortuneate, the proper term for someone living outside his native country is expatriate.

    I’m sure Kevin had his tongue in cheek, because he knows I love America. If I didn’t love my country I wouldn’t give a shit that it is being destroyed by a bunch of neo-socialists. I don’t hate America, I just hate its political leadership.

  4. Please, you are not the only one capable of making a play on words.

    I am sure Kevin was being tongue in cheek. I wasn’t. Its not just your decision to never return to America, its the things you write on this blog. Outside the members of your family, you seem to only attract the fringe elements. There is no room for middle ground. Moderate is labeled liberal meaning evil communist/socialist immoral. You do not use logic or humor to make your points but scathing vitriol.

    You were in attack mode when your party was in office. You are in attack mode now that your party is out of office. You rarely find anything good to say about America. By and large you would dump better than half of us off the deep end of the ocean. After getting rid of most of the women, Catholics, people under the age of 30, Democrats, blacks, muslims and a significant portion of the other minorities (presumably you would opt to keep the asian women provided they all think and act like Michele Malkin) I still doubt you would elect to return. What kind of society would it be when made up primarily of angry scared middle age white men? Who would you blame for your shortcomings, your fear? Who would be your scapegoat?

    Those of us who are not afraid to face a changing future, who are not afraid of making sacrifices, we are the ones who will keep this country strong. Not you naysayers. You have no vision. You live in the past and you’ve distorted that.

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