A chance encounter

In celebration of ten years of blogging here at LTG, each week for the next 5251 50 49 48 47 46  45 44 43 42 41 40 39 weeks I will delve deep into thesewerarchives of past posts to bring you a tidbit of blog history.  I had originally planned to call this series “The best of LTG”, but damn, there just wasn’t much “best” to be found.  And mediocre is too hard to spell.)

Eight years ago I wrote about meeting a blog reader in a post called It’s a small world. What was weird about this encounter was being greeted by name by a complete stranger and finding out we had both worked for the Department of Education in D.C. at the same time, although we had of course never met there.  I don’t recall his name or what he was doing in Korea.  And I’ve never heard from him again.  He said he had been reading the blog from “day one” but he’s never commented, including on the post where I wrote about meeting him.

Over the years I’ve had several such encounters, the most recent being a week ago.  I had popped into one of my favorite Itaewon bars (Shenanigans) and spoke briefly with a friend there.  He introduced me to a friend of his who said “oh yeah, I read your blog all the time”.

Obviously, I am happy to know that people actually read LTG.  Although I must confess it’s also a little embarrassing.  Going through the archives to do a weekly post from the past has made me keenly aware of just how bad most of the shit I post truly is.  I define bad as “meaningless drivel”.  Well, I guess there’s something for everyone on the internet. And it could be my writing about my life makes folks feel much better about theirs.

You’re welcome.

5 thoughts on “A chance encounter

  1. Pingback: I do not have a drinking problem | Long Time Gone

  2. Pingback: Genesis | Long Time Gone

  3. Pingback: Yankee Doodle Dandy | Long Time Gone

  4. Pingback: “Shut up” she explained | Long Time Gone

  5. Pingback: About a lucky man who made the grade | Long Time Gone

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