“Our nation honors her sons and daughters who answered the call to defend a country they never knew and a people they never met.”

It was 60 years ago today that the North Koreans invaded the Republic of Korea.  Things got ugly fast, then with American-led UN intervention, they got better, and when China engaged they got bad again.  Finally, things ended up in a stalement (aka armistice) pretty much where they began, except for the hundreds of thousand dead and utter destruction and devastation of both countries.  That’s the short version of the war, a longer one can be found here.

Althought tensions have been running high on the peninsula of late, relative peace and tranquility reigns south of the 38th parallel.   Not so much up North of course, but it is that comparison that is the truest indicator of who won the war.  I doubt there are many citizens of the ROK who would willinging trade places with their DPRK brothers and sisters.

And so on this anniversary of that infamous day of invasion we should pause to honor all those who made the ultimate sacrafice that others may live thier lives in freedom and prosperity.

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